Corporate Wellness Away Days

Enabling wellbeing through coaching, workshops, sound and dance therapies.

National Wellness Institute

Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of and make choices toward a more successful existence. ‘

Stress is the number one cause of all Illness. In 2021/2022 stress, depression or anxiety and musculoskeletal disorders accounted for the majority of days lost due to work-related ill health in 2021/22, 17.0 million and 7.3 million respectively. (HSE)

In May 2022 a survey was published by Statista showed that stress in the UK was a high indicator of absence from work and accounted for 33% of short term absence and 48% of long term absence.

38% of women and 35% of men reported that work related politics was the cause of their stress. There is an estimated £1.8bn loss a year due to absence days.

The people that work in your company are your business. As well as having a clear mission statement, workable strategies, and strong leadership, productivity will also depend on people having the right skills and abilities, training opportunities, the right tools to do the job, and their wellbeing.

It’s in everyone’s interest to apply a more holistic view to awaydays. And that’s where we come in.

Every corporate away day I’ve ever been to, whilst it’s had it benefits for the company , never actually focuses on the people that work at that company. The day will consist of what processes can be tweaked so teams can perform better, horizon scanning for potential business, where are you on the change scale with the latest company restructure, reshuffle. It’s all about profits, deadlines, and building the company. And whilst that has its place, these away days never addresses the person the people and offering help, advise or just practical tools and techniques to help them perform, not just in work , but thrive in life.

Corporate away days need to address more than how the company can thrive.

They need to work with their people. Because after said and done, it’s the people that make up the business. These people may be trained to work in a corporate environment, but the corporate environment isn’t training them on the fundamentals of life. Outside of the corporate world, people have lived experiences of many facets of life. So, away days need to include wellness away days that cover:

  • Self awareness
  • Self-regulation
  • Social awareness
  • Resilience
  • Business, career, life, and spiritual support
  • Empathy

Having wellness away days, where you focus on the people, their life , and their personal healing, in a safe space will undoubtedly help with developing;

  • Trust within teams, as they work through their own issues that may be affecting team growth.
  • Increase productivity as they start to understand self and social awareness and the positive impact they can have.
  • Letting go of resistance that’s preventing them from taking a step forward and owning their stuff.
  • Allowing people to step into being that top performer, the best negotiator , and the stakeholder engagement expert because they have dealt with their own self limitations.

Development in the corporate setting is more than a swot analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the practical things you can bring to the workplace. Sometimes life training is just as beneficial. Like , how to stop taking things personally, how to stop comparing myself to others when we are all judged by targets, and what’s making me play small?

Let’s change the thinking behind the corporate mindset of targets , clients, and profits is all that matters.

Ufford Park Golf & Spa Hotel – Woodbridge

An example venue

Set in beautiful grounds in the countryside , my wellness away days can help you achieve a healthy, resilient workforce that appreciates their own worth and performs in alignment with who and what they can offer.

Fancy trying a different approach? Why not contact me for a free consultation

Email: [email protected]